In this case i want to reduce the iron game to its simplest most easy to understand level.
Golf iron swing setup.
It s easy to learn and will take just seconds to implement.
The good news is getting the proper golf iron set up is not difficult.
If your golf iron set up is not right you are harming your chances of hitting great iron shots right from the start.
Play your short irons wedges 9 iron and 8 iron in the center portion of your stance.
Bad angles and or creating too many of them.
These clubs have the most upright lie angles.
Many errant iron shots are caused by an improper stance.
You can hit a bucket of golf balls with each iron at the practice range.
This practice also allows you to experiment with grip adjusting the face of the club and how the ball reacts to your swing.
You ll instinctively hit down because if you don.
Watch annabel rolley show you the proper points to hit during your swing for a more powerful and controlled move.
The goal here is to get you making smooth controlled swings that enhance your natural abilities.
The ball placement in your setup position varies with the club you select.
You want to practice each iron swing to get a comfortable swing.
They must be swung at the steepest angle and you should take a divot in front of the ball.
From there make your normal swing.
Ideally in a proper setup the hands will be located ahead of the ball at address.
From a flat lie.
To learn to hit down take your setup with a middle iron then lift the clubhead a few inches off the ground.
This will have for consequence that the shaft of the club will be slanted forward in what is called a shaft lean.
Set up for the golf swing the complete golf swing guide rick shiels pga golf coach takes you through a detailed 6 stage video series on the full golf swing.
Our top 100 teacher says there are two things that fuel a poor golf swing setup.
This will facilitate getting back to this ideal position at impact and should lead to a successful trapping of the ball.
This is the ideal mid iron setup.
A great golf iron set up puts you in a fantastic position to make solid impact with the golf ball.